The score of 10 in the example above is what we call an outlier. That’s not a good reflection of your overall test performance at all. Assuming your highest score on another test was 94, then: Let’s say you had the flu one test day and scored a 10. The range only uses the smallest and the largest number in a set The rest of the values are ignored. Step 2: Subtract the smallest number from the highest = 94 – 73 = 21.

Step 1: Order your scores from smallest to largest: Problem: You take 7 statistics tests over the course of a semester. That’s how to find a range! Another Example of How to Find a Range Step 2: Subtract the smallest number in the set from the largest number in the set: Step 1: Sort the numbers in order, from smallest to largest: Example question 3: What is the range of the following times?Ģ.7 hrs, 8.3 hrs, 3.5 hrs, 5.1 hrs, 4.9 hrs